Critical Illness Old
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HDFC Ergos, Critical illness is special health insurance policythat offers lumpsum benefit on diagnosis of certain critical illness so that policy holder can use the money for the treatment of the disease.This plan offers cover against major illnesses.


  • Provides a lump sum benefit which can pay for: a. Costs for the care and treatment b. Recuperation aids c. Debts pay off
  • Tax Benefit under section 80D
  • Option of a one year or two year policy coverage period
  • Life Long Renewability
Title Description
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage After 48 months
Waiting Period for New Policy 90 Days

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Mr. A Venkata Rao

S -13 ; II nd phase ;
T.I.E Balanagar;
Hyderabad - 500037

+91 9963576644

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